International Journal of Engineering Continuity <p>The International Journal of Engineering Continuity is peer-reviewed, open access, and published twice a year online with coverage covering engineering and technology. It aims to promote novelty and contribution followed by the theory and practice of technology and engineering. The expansion of these concerns includes solutions to specific challenges of developing countries and addresses science and technology problems from a multidisciplinary perspective. Published papers will continue to have a high standard of excellence. This is ensured by having every papers examined through strict procedures by members of the international editorial board. The aim is to establish that the submitted paper meets the requirements, especially in the context of proven application-based research work. IJEC has been accredited by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) SINTA 3 (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Based on Decree of the Director-General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology Number 72/E/KPT/2024</a>).</p> <p><strong>Publisher:</strong><br /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sultan Publisher, Indonesia</a><br />Published since 2022</p> Sultan Publisher en-US International Journal of Engineering Continuity 2963-2390 Enhancing Software Developer Selection with Integrated F-AHP and F-TOPSIS Techniques <p>This study focuses on enhancing the selection process for software developers by integrating the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (F-AHP) and the Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (F-TOPSIS). The primary objective is to address the uncertainties and ambiguities in determining evaluation criteria and weights, thereby facilitating accurate decision-making when faced with multiple criteria and alternatives. Conducted within a software development company in Bandung, Indonesia, the study involved evaluating ten potential candidates for the software developer position. The methodology employed F-AHP to assess the importance of each criterion through pairwise comparisons, and F-TOPSIS to rank the candidates based on these criteria weights. The results revealed that Candidate CK-7 exhibited the highest closeness coefficient (CC<sub>i</sub>), making them the top candidate, while CK-4 ranked the lowest. This integrated approach provided a systematic and transparent framework for decision-making, demonstrating its effectiveness in optimizing recruitment processes. The study contributes to the field by offering a robust decision-making tool that can be adapted to various industries, ensuring the selection of high-quality employees who meet necessary competencies, thereby improving overall productivity and performance.</p> Murnawan Murnawan R.A.E. Virgana Targa Sapanji Sri Lestari Rosalin Samihardjo Copyright (c) 2024 Murnawan Murnawan, R.A.E. Virgana Targa Sapanji, Sri Lestari, Rosalin Samihardjo 2024-07-09 2024-07-09 3 2 1 21 10.58291/ijec.v3i2.250 E-Government Maturity Model Based on SPBE at Department of Spatial Planning and Development <p>Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik known as SPBE is a government administration that utilizes information and communication technology to provide services with the aim of realizing clean, effective, transparent, and accountable government governance, quality, and trustworthy public services. Because he role of ICT in supporting work processes and services in achieving the vision and mission of the Regional Government of West Java Province is very important, it is necessary to evaluate the use and implementation of ICT solutions for continuous improvement in all Regional Apparatus. In the department spatial planning and development, e-government maturity measurements are carried out in 4 domains (application, infrastructure, information security and IT governance and) by adopting a descriptive research method using questionnaire data with a scale of 5 likers. The results showed the evaluation of the maturity of the SPBE in department spatial planning and development obtained a “Very Poor” category with a total index value of 0.61. This research also provides recommendations and considerations in making decisions on how to take policies in implementing e-Government Implementation in the community development service to determine the development priority scale from the level of maturity.</p> Endang Amalia Dani Hamdani Ucu Nugraha Copyright (c) 2024 Endang Amalia, Dani Hamdani, Ucu Nugraha 2024-07-20 2024-07-20 3 2 22 33 10.58291/ijec.v3i2.262 Revealing Consumer Preferences in the Fashion Industry Using K-Means Clustering <p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-AU">The fashion industry, driven by rapidly shifting e-commerce trends and consumer preferences, demands precise data analysis to optimize marketing strategies and enhance customer satisfaction. This study utilizes data mining techniques, specifically K-Means Clustering and the Elbow Method, to reveal consumer preferences within a dataset of 1,000 fashion product sales records, which include attributes such as product ID, name, brand, category, price, rating, color, and size. By grouping data into distinct clusters based on price and rating preferences, the analysis uncovers four key consumer segments. The optimal number of clusters is confirmed using the WCSS (Within-Cluster Sum of Square) method. These insights offer valuable guidance for refining marketing strategies in the fashion industry. Future research should consider additional variables and employ advanced tools for deeper analysis.</span></p> Feri Sulianta Khaerani Ulfah Endang Amalia Copyright (c) 2024 Feri Sulianta, Khaerani Ulfah, Endang Amalia 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 3 2 34 53 10.58291/ijec.v3i2.280 Techno-Economic Analysis of Blue Methanol Production from Natural Gas with Carbon Capture in Indonesia <p>Methanol market in Indonesia is projected to grow with Compound Annual Growth Rate of 3.2% by 2034. Utilizing natural gas as a feedstock and employing carbon capture and storage technology using activated metildietanolamin with piperazine (MDEA-PZ), the process is designed to produce methanol with a low carbon footprint. The process design and simulation were carried out using Aspen HYSYS, focusing on mass and energy balances across pre-treatment, syngas formation, methanol synthesis, purification and carbon capture stages. The pilot-scale plant with a capacity of 100,000 tons per year located in the Special Economic Zone (KEK) Arun, Aceh, demonstrating promising results with an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 11.73%, a Net Present Value (NPV) of USD 166.63 and levelized cost of methanol (LCOM) of 611.61 $/ton MeOH. Compared to other low emission chemical plant, this plant offers promising economic feasibility.</p> Samuel Pangeran Aletheia Meyland Meyland Copyright (c) 2024 Samuel Pangeran Aletheia, Meyland Meyland 2024-08-24 2024-08-24 3 2 54 68 10.58291/ijec.v3i2.288