Jurnal Komputer dan Elektro Sains https://ejournal.sultanpublisher.com/index.php/komets <p>Jurnal Komputer dan Elektro Sains (Komets) is published by Sultan Publisher, Indonesia. It is acedemic, online, open access, peer reviewed. It aims to publish orginal, theorical and practical in Computer &amp; Electrical Science. Jurnal Komputer dan Elektro Sains (Komets) is published annually 2 time every March and September.</p> en-US thidayat.ft@unwir.ac.id (Taufik Hidayat) kometssultan@gmail.com (Team Komets Sultan) Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Robot Autonomos Penyortiran dan Pemindahan Barang (Ramos) https://ejournal.sultanpublisher.com/index.php/komets/article/view/156 <p>In the current era, as we know, the industry in the field of shipping or logistics services has experienced very rapid growth in Indonesia. Logistics is a term for storing goods on a large scale which cannot be separated from the industrial sector, including the logistics delivery services industry. The development of the expedition services market in Indonesia was stated by Mr. Feriadi, General Chair of the DPP of the Association of Indonesian Express, Postal and Logistics Delivery Service Companies 4 (Asperindo), one of which was caused by the e-commerce market which has developed rapidly. Seeing this problem, we offer a solution, namely a tool that can steer and move goods according to the destination point that has been determined based on the goods code. The product to be designed is named RAMOS (Robot Autonomous Sorter and Mover). This robot can be used in a warehouse and the robot can walk autonomously according to a predetermined destination point. Functions as a tool for sorting and moving goods in logistics warehouses. This product can reduce human effort in moving goods that have been classified, and can reduce errors in the placement of goods that have been determined. RAMOS (Autonomous Robot Sorting and Moving Goods). This robot can be used in a warehouse and the robot can walk autonomously according to a predetermined destination point. Functions as a tool for sorting and moving goods in logistics warehouses. This product can reduce human effort in moving goods that have been classified, and can reduce errors in the placement of goods that have been determined. Then, there is an advantage to this robot, namely that it is able to avoid obstacles or collisions.</p> Andre Wijaya, Dilan Rizmawan, Ari Fahrezi, Efrans Firdaus, Rizky Oriza Syahda, Wisnu Kuncoro Jati Rochman, Rahmat Hidayat Copyright (c) 2025 Andre Wijaya, Dilan Rizmawan, Ari Fahrezi, Efrans Firdaus, Rizky Oriza Syahda, Wisnu Kuncoro Jati Rochman, Rahmat Hidayat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ https://ejournal.sultanpublisher.com/index.php/komets/article/view/156 Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Cart-Go : Robot Troli Otomatis Pembawa Barang Belanjaan di Supermarket https://ejournal.sultanpublisher.com/index.php/komets/article/view/162 <p>Cart-Go is an automatic cart robot that can follow customers while shopping in supermarkets. This robot aims to improve customer comfort and shopping experience, as well as solve the problem of transporting and managing shopping goods. This paper explains the background, methods, results, and discussion of research conducted to design and test the Cart-Go system. This research uses ultrasonic and infrared sensors to detect the distance and angle of objects, as well as DC motors and servos to move the robot. The test results show that the robot can move according to the distance and direction of the object, although there are limitations in the detection angle. This paper also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the system, as well as suggestions for further research. Thus further improvements and developments can be carried out to improve system performance and efficiency. Some suggestions for further research are to use other sensors that are more accurate and sensitive, such as cameras or lidars, to detect objects, use servo motors that are more stable and precise, and use batteries that are more durable and environmentally friendly.</p> Ananda Dirgari Effendi, Alvina Septariyani, Adam Fahla, Rahmat Hidayat Copyright (c) 2025 Ananda Dirgari Effendi, Alvina Septariyani, Adam Fahla, Rahmat Hidayat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ https://ejournal.sultanpublisher.com/index.php/komets/article/view/162 Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ARSHIP : Autonomous Search Ship Untuk Mencari Korban Kecelakaan Hilang di Perairan https://ejournal.sultanpublisher.com/index.php/komets/article/view/170 <p>Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) is an unmanned surface vessel that can operate automatically or manually that can be controlled by humans. Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) is equipped with an autonomous navigation system. In addition, ARSHIP's electrical power supply is supplied with batteries integrated with solar panels so that battery power can be charged directly through solar power. This type of ship is used for search and rescue operations in water areas such as seas, rivers and lakes and as a support tool for the SAR team to carry out the evacuation process. This ship will detect the presence of victims in the waters by monitoring using YOLO as a human object detection. Based on the results of human object detection underwater using the YOLO model that has been customized with an average detection of 0.7 out of 1. The simulation results show that the model is good enough to predict human objects in the water.</p> Agus Sutiyana, Akhmad Ikhsannul Arief, Firgi Aditya, Rahmat Hidayat Copyright (c) 2025 Agus Sutiyana, Akhmad Ikhsannul Arief, Firgi Aditya, Rahmat Hidayat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ https://ejournal.sultanpublisher.com/index.php/komets/article/view/170 Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Radar Wing Defender (RWD): Sistem untuk membantu para petani dalam mendeteksi dan pengusir hama burung https://ejournal.sultanpublisher.com/index.php/komets/article/view/180 <p>Around 90% of Indonesia's population uses rice as food. However, the production process has not been able to fully fulfil the needs of the community, due to several obstacles that affect productivity. Bird pests are one of the main causes of rice disruption. Group birds are known as one of the few pests that tend to cause population problems. The purpose of this research is to get the design of an IoT-based rice bird repellent. This IoT-based bird repellent consists of two main parts: hardware, or hard system, and software, or soft system. An ESP32 microcontroller and ultrasonic sensors are used in this prototype. This Bird Pest Prototype can be hammered automatically. As a result, the existence of this prototype makes it easier for caregivers to treat patient wounds in case of pest injuries; however, this can be done more effectively and efficiently because caregivers do not need to visit the fields to treat patient wounds due to various pest injuries. Based on this prototype, if the ultrasonic sensor detects a bird with a range of 0 to 4 metres, the buzzer will sound, and the servo motor will move the lever to bring the radar-detected bird closer.</p> Fawwaz Mulya Rabbani Fawwaz, Rafi Fadhlurrahman, Nadira Eka Putri, Raihan Akmalano, Galih Alif Artanto, Rahmat Hidayat Copyright (c) 2025 Fawwaz Mulya Rabbani Fawwaz, Rafi Fadhlurrahman, Nadira Eka Putri, Raihan Akmalano, Galih Alif Artanto, Rahmat Hidayat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ https://ejournal.sultanpublisher.com/index.php/komets/article/view/180 Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 A Review Method for Analysis of the Causes of Data Breach in the Pasca Pandemic https://ejournal.sultanpublisher.com/index.php/komets/article/view/205 <p>The vulnerability of personal data breaches makes countries aware of the importance of regulations governing the protection of personal data Therefore, the importance of this research is to conduct a systematic review of the causes of data breaches based on the mechanism of activities carried out to answer problems and provide solutions to problems related to information security. The Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method was used to identify 283 papers in IEEE Xplore database, direct and signature digital science library based on automated search and predefined strings. Then 18 papers were selected for study based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. From the literature study, it can be concluded that the trends analyzed, data breaches are caused by user behavior that has not been educated about the dangers of data theft and awareness of information security.</p> Andrie Yuswanto, Budi wibowo, Luqman Hafiz Copyright (c) 2025 Andrie Yuswanto, Budi wibowo, Luqman Hafiz https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ https://ejournal.sultanpublisher.com/index.php/komets/article/view/205 Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700