The Role of Block Particles Swarm Optimization to Enhance The PID-WFR Algorithm


  • Heru Suwoyo Universitas Mercubuana
  • Abdurohman Abdurohman Shanghai University
  • Yifan Li Shanghai University
  • Andi Adriansyah Universitas Mercubuana
  • Yingzhong Tian Shanghai University
  • Muhammad Hafizd Ibnu Hajar Universitas Mercubuana


PID controller, Block Particle Swarm Optimization, Wall Following Robot, Genetic Algorithm


In the conventional Proportional Integral Derivation (PID) controller, the parameters are often adjusted according to the formulas and actual application. However, this empirical method will bring two disadvantages. First, testing the program takes much time and usually needs help to reach the optimal solution. Second, the PID parameters will not adapt to the new environment when the situation changes. This paper proposed a method by employing a Block Particles Swarm Optimization (BPSO) to enhance the conventional Proportional Integral Derivation (PID) algorithm to overcome the mentioned disadvantages. The genetic algorithm (GA) first optimized the PID parameters. However, its optimization time is relatively long. Then, a Block Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) algorithm is designed to solve the problem of long optimization time. This method was then applied to the wall-following robot problem by realistically simulating it to confirm the performance. After Compared with conventional methods, the proposed method shows a relatively stable solution.


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How to Cite

Suwoyo, H., Abdurohman, A., Li, Y., Adriansyah, A., Tian, Y., & Ibnu Hajar, M. H. (2022). The Role of Block Particles Swarm Optimization to Enhance The PID-WFR Algorithm. International Journal of Engineering Continuity, 1(1), 9–23.


