Profile of Middle School Students' Mathematical Literacy Ability in Solving Number Pattern Problems


  • Ronaldus Ariyanto Jelahu Universitas Timor
  • Aloisius Loka Son Univesitas Timor
  • Hendrika Bete Universitas Timor
  • Javier García-García Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Sudirman Sudirman Universitas Wiralodra
  • Fiki Alghadari STKIP Kusuma Negara


Ability, Mathematical Literacy, Number Patterns, Problems


The aim of this study is to describe profile of middle school students' mathematical literacy ability in Solving Number Pattern Problems. This study used a descriptive case study design with 29 students in grade VIII at a middle school in Kefamenanu city, Indonesia. Test and interviews were the methods to collect data about the mathematical literacy ability. To analysis data we used the Miles and Huberman models with stages namely reduction data, data presentation and conclusions as a technique. The results of the study concluded that the profile of middle school students' mathematical literacy ability in solving number pattern problems is in the high category. Students with high mathematical literacy abilities meet all indicators at 3 levels of mathematics literacy cognitive namely understanding level, implementation level and level reasoning. Students with medium mathematical literacy abilities were able to achieve indicators of the level of understanding, while for the level of application and reasoning not all indicators were achieved. Students with low mathematical literacy abilities are only able to reach the level of understanding indicators, while the level of application and level of reasoning has not been achieved.


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How to Cite

Jelahu, R. A., Loka Son, A., Bete, H., García-García, J., Sudirman, S., & Alghadari, F. (2023). Profile of Middle School Students’ Mathematical Literacy Ability in Solving Number Pattern Problems. International Journal of Science Education and Cultural Studies, 2(1), 1–14.


